9 research outputs found

    Characterization of an Alkali- and Halide-Resistant Laccase Expressed in E. coli: CotA from <i>Bacillus clausii</i>

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    The limitations of fungal laccases at higher pH and salt concentrations have intensified the search for new extremophilic bacterial laccases. We report the cloning, expression, and characterization of the bacterial cotA from Bacillus clausii, a supposed alkalophilic ortholog of cotA from B. subtilis. Both laccases were expressed in E. coli strain BL21(DE3) and characterized fully in parallel for strict benchmarking. We report activity on ABTS, SGZ, DMP, caffeic acid, promazine, phenyl hydrazine, tannic acid, and bilirubin at variable pH. Whereas ABTS, promazine, and phenyl hydrazine activities vs. pH were similar, the activity of B. clausii cotA was shifted upwards by ~0.5-2 pH units for the simple phenolic substrates DMP, SGZ, and caffeic acid. This shift is not due to substrate affinity (K(M)) but to pH dependence of catalytic turnover: The k(cat) of B. clausii cotA was 1 s⁻¹ at pH 6 and 5 s⁻¹ at pH 8 in contrast to 6 s⁻¹ at pH 6 and 2 s⁻¹ at pH 8 for of B. subtilis cotA. Overall, k(cat)/K(M) was 10-fold higher for B. subtilis cotA at pH(opt). While both proteins were heat activated, activation increased with pH and was larger in cotA from B. clausii. NaCl inhibited activity at acidic pH, but not up to 500-700 mM NaCl in alkaline pH, a further advantage of the alkali regime in laccase applications. The B. clausii cotA had ~20 minutes half-life at 80°C, less than the ~50 minutes at 80°C for cotA from B. subtilis. While cotA from B. subtilis had optimal stability at pH~8, the cotA from B. clausii displayed higher combined salt- and alkali-resistance. This resistance is possibly caused by two substitutions (S427Q and V110E) that could repel anions to reduce anion-copper interactions at the expense of catalytic proficiency, a trade-off of potential relevance to laccase optimization

    Silver nano particles ameliorate learning and spatial memory of male Wistar rats by prevention of amyloid fibril-induced neurotoxicity

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a chronic degenerative disease characterized by the presence of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), which results into memory and learning impairments. In the present study, we showed that the aggregates formed by a protein that has no link with Alzheimer's disease, namely the hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL), were cytotoxic and decreased spatial learning and memory in rats. The effect of Ag-nano particles (Ag-NPs) was investigated on disruption of amyloid aggregation and preservation of cognitive behavior of rats. Twenty-four male Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups including a control group, and injected with either scopolamine, lysozyme or aggregates pre-incubated with Ag-NPs. Rats' behavior was monitored using Morris water maze (MWM) twenty days after injections. HEWL aggregation in the presence and absence of the Ag-NPs was assayed by Thioflavin T binding, atomic force microscopy and cell-based cytotoxicity assay. Ag-NPs were capable to directly disrupt HEWL oligomerization and the resulting aggregates were non-toxic. We also showed that rats of the Ag-NPs group found MWM test platform in less time and with less distance traveled, in comparison with lysozyme group. Ag-NPs also increased the percentage of time elapsed and the distance swum in the target quadrant in the rat model of AD, in probe test. These observations suggest that Ag-NPs improved spatial learning and memory by inhibiting amyloid fibril-induced neurotoxicity. Furthermore, we suggest using model proteins as a valid tool to investigate the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. PMID: 2922086